1- I come at ya armed with this pen
Tellin' ya 'bout the way to defeat sin
Jus' put ya faith and trust in Jesus
The One Who always sees us
See, He came to Earth as a man
And when He spoke, the demons up and ran
He was nailed to a cross
And had to suffa the loss
Of his very own life
Because He loves us
But our sin cuts through
His heart like a knife
Yeah, that's right
And don't take it light
He was nailed to a tree
Just so we
Could be set free
2- Yo, this story's 'bout my brotha
It seems like he's turned inta anotha
Completely different guy
I'd really hate to see him die
Right now
It just puts woe in
My heart thinking where he's goin'
'Cause it'd be ta hell
It's not hard ta tell
For one thing, there's all tha lies
Which nobody buys
Like this one
"I'm not smoking."
Then why ya choking?
And what about the ash
On ya dash?
For another thing
he ain't been ta church,
Ain't took perch
On a pew
Since the new Millenium
But there's plenty more things
More things than kings
Have gold rings
Most of which nobody knows
But no matter how much longer this goes
God will forgive him
Now let this fill ya cup ta tha rim
If God forgives him
Surely He'll forgive you
All ya gotta do
Is ask Him
Yo, listen up
And I'll tell ya whassup
I'll tell ya how ta be free
How ta cure ya blindness so you can see. (x2)
3- Now peep this
And don't miss
Tha point
Ya say you've done more than my brotha
Stuff you're tryin ta cova
Ya say God'll neva forgive you
Dude, that's not true!
He wil too
I tell ya now
And don't ask me how
But He even forgave the very ones who took His life
So tell me now
If He forgave them
How could He not forgive you?
All ya gotta do
Is ask Him
'Cause He
Was nailed to a tree
Just so we
Could be set free
Yo, listen up
And I'll tell ya whassup
I'll tell ya how ta be free
How ta cure ya blindness so you can see (x2)
4- So tell me now
Whacha gonna do?
Make the vow
To always life for God
Even if it seems odd?
Or turn ya back
And lack
The peace God gives?
Yo, listen up
And I'll tell ya whassup
I'll tell ya how ta be free
How ta cure ya blindness so you can see (x4)